The Butler County Water and Sewer Department undertook a project to divert sanitary wastewater generated from the City of Hamilton to the County’s LeSourdsville Water Reclamation Facility. Diversion of the wastewater required constructing two new sanitary pump stations and associated force mains and improving an existing sanitary pump station. Fishbeck was retained to study the collection system improvement needs to accomplish the goal of conveying and treating wastewater generated in the area at the County facilities. This study included sanitary sewer flow monitoring, sewer modeling, alternatives analysis and reporting of our findings, recommendations, and construction cost estimating.
After the study was completed and accepted, Fishbeck was contracted to design the new pump stations and force mains. The two new pump stations consist of a precast concrete wet well housing two or three submersible pumps, a precast concrete valve vault housing discharge valves and a bypass pumping connection, a sluice gate manhole, a meter manhole, and power distribution equipment including pump control panels, standby generators, and automatic transfer switches. The design also included 14,000 lf of 10-inch DIP Class 53 force main piping and appurtenances.