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Sanilac County Drain Commissioner | Croswell Drain Stream Mitigation

Sanilac County Drain Commissioner | Croswell Drain Stream Mitigation

Stream Mitigation Design, Permitting, and Monitoring
Fishbeck prepared a stream mitigation plan to compensate for enclosure of 1,200 lf of the Croswell Drain along M-90 in the City of Croswell. We identified stream mitigation alternatives, including preferred mitigation site and mitigation measures. Approved stream mitigation design consisted of 2,790 lf of flood bench and a 150-lf step pool structure in the downstream reach of the Croswell Drain. Flood benches significantly improved flood plain connectivity within the incised channel and were planted with native seed to improve water quality and promote streamside wildlife and aquatic habitat area. A combination of native seed and shrubs were planted adjacent the flood bench area. The step pool structure was installed to improve fish passage and prevent further channel bed erosion. 
Fishbeck is currently in a five-year monitoring period.

Greenway Design 
Fishbeck prepared a greenway plan to utilize greenspace created as a result of the channel enclosure. Detailed planting plans, passive recreational areas, and other amenities were included in the greenway plan.  
The entire project was funded by Michigan Department of Transportation and implemented by the Sanilac County Drain Commissioner.