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City of Waterloo, Iowa | Comprehensive Downtown Parking Study

City of Waterloo, Iowa | Comprehensive Downtown Parking Study

An industrial city hugging the Cedar River, Waterloo has experienced numerous booms and busts over the past two centuries. As the downtown has changed over the years, parking policy has largely remained the same. Parking technology was in flux as mobile payments were available, but so were coin only single space meters. Waterloo parking needed a reset of policy, technology, and user allocation to promote growth, and support investments in the convention center, riverside amphitheater, and all of downtown.

The study recommended rate adjustments for on-street and off-street parking, new technology, and adjusted use of the underutilized parking structures across the City. The recommended changes were received warmly by the business community and are being implemented by the City Council. Downtown investment has continued with several new residential opportunities and renovation of the historic Blacks Building the in center of downtown.